I, along with 4 other people affected by T1D from the JDRF NYC chapter, met with representatives from Senator Chuck Schumer’s office 2 weeks ago (yes I did almost autocorrect his name to “Chick Schumer” recently, caught it in time, and then laughed so had alone in an elevator that i partially slid down the wall). We were there to discuss S. 2689 (Medicare coverage of Continuous Glucose Monitors). I left hopeful and with finger’s crossed.
On Thursday night while in route to Artificial Pancreas stuff (Wow, yes, wow), I received an email that Senator Schumer will co-sponsor the bill. We need this to happen folks. Many people (and I’m sorry to say fellow T1Ds) don’t see how important this is. Let me reiterate why this is important to support this and help fight, even if you are nowhere near 65 years old and think this doesn’t affect you.
1. If you support the Artificial Pancreas Program, a CGM is an integral part of this program. Let me spell it out: to Close he Loop, you need a CGM. If Medicare does not support and cover CGMs, whatever the device is that becomes the Artificial Pancreas will have THAT much tougher of a time to get in OUR hands. CGM coverage by Medicare is a hurdle we can knock out of the way to get us closer to the availability of the Artificial Pancreas.
2. Health insurance companies look to Medicare. If Medicare does NOT cover CGMs, it makes CGMs “appear” unnecessary. My CGM is a savior to me. If yours a savior to you? A savior to someone you love? A savior to someone you mildly like? Then go HERE and support THIS.
Now here is the BIG part… TALK this up! Post it on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and whatever other social Media things people use these days. Reach out to people BEYOND the diabetes community! REACH OUT.
Did you go to High School? Reach out to your High school alumni. Do you have siblings? Get them to sign. Friend of friends? Yeah, grab them too. This doesn’t cost money. it just takes a few minutes.
Next up… Artificial Pancreas stuff. The photo is pretty ridiculous (why are we in a magnifying glass? Well it’s appropriate that I’m laughing, no?) but here’s the skinny from Brian and me over at JDRF’s Type One Nation.
Thanks for reading. Spread the word.
As always, thanks for everything you do, Alecia!
I was excited this week to see your Senator, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), sign on to be a Co-Sponsor of S. 2689: Medicare CGM Access Act of 2014 and my Representative, Erik Paulsen (R-MN3), become a co-sponsor of the companion bill in the House, H.R. 5644: Medicare CGM Access Act of 2014. As you wrote, these bills are hugely important for everyone who uses CGMS and for the future of the artificial pancreas.
And I can’t wait to read about your participation in the Artificial Pancreas trial! I hope the day comes soon when you don’t have to worry about going low or high while you exercise and while you sleep.