Training update:
1st training ride. Thought it was supposed to be 9 miles. Ended up being 27.5 MILES. Rode in snow. 1/2 bolus for breakfast. Reduced basal rate 30%. Had lows the entire time. Ate all my glucose and then some of 2 other riders glucose (oops). Dexcom and pump were beeping like crazy. Great lunch at Dinosaur Barbecue. BGs went back up. Crashed back down on ride back to Manhattan. Ugh. Need to learn. My normal exercise protocols are different for cycling.
2nd major training ride last Saturday. Left home at 7:45am. Crossed Manhattan. Almost collided with a woman carrying about 30 mylar monkey balloons across the street. Yep. 8am Monkey balloons. Laughed a lot. Met ride trainer at Intrepid. Rode up West Side. Met 2 other riders near George Washington Bridge. A few terrifying moments. Only girl in group. 5 of us total. Slowest rider (again). Gorgeous day. River Road was closed. Rode 9W up Jersey. Got yelled at A LOT for running red lights. Was in my own zone…? Started off with 60% basal rate reduction. Switched to 70% reduction after about an hour and half. BG remained between 85 and 110 the ENTIRE time. Thought we were turning around in Alpine NJ. Saw sign for Alpine. We kept going. Stopped at the NJ/NY state border. Rode back. Stopped at bike shop/snack stop on Jersey side of GWB. Had 2 GU Gels by the time of the bike shop break. Switched to 80% reduction. Left shop. Last one out of parking lot. My front tire clipped back tire of ride trainer. Ride trainer didn’t even feel it and kept riding. I dropped like a stone in the street. A stone wrapped around a bike. Audience: About 30 people having snacks outside bike shop. Ugh. Got home 1:30pm. One more GU Gel on the way home. No bolus for GUs. Highest BG? 117. 45 MILES door-to-door!
Gravel removed from leg. FIRST fall is over! Yay!!! Still have my teeth! Woo hoo!
My hand has been swollen since the very first ride. Got this awesome Xray this week and its just a bad sprain between the thumb and index finger (I struggle with the brakes). Brace and some physical therapy (you know during my free time while I fight for CGM coverage). I ADORE this Xray as my Medic Alert is right there. Safety First!
7am train tomorrow to Westbury, Long Island. I need a bike permit for the train. Who knew? Amazing. Heard the route is hilly. God help me.
Also a HUGE thank you for all the support on this journey. I am getting closer to my goal to ride. It’s inspiring to read the messages (cheer goes a LONG way).
Barely slept last night. Challenging day. MUST get some shut eye tonight. Getting late.
Great job on the ride! Sounds like a tough (and long) route.
I wouldn’t worry about hills. If you can take he gigantic hills of upper Manhattan and the New Jersey Palisades, Westbury is absolutely nothing terrain-wise. Just watch out for the crazy drivers heading to the mall…there are plenty of those.
Thanks! The hills were a zillion times harder. Meandering through, I really questioned my apparent lack of Long Island knowledge. I believe I was on a cliff looking over Oyster Bay at one point… but I did it! Woo hoo!