A quick note:
I saw an excellent play last night (thanks to 2 JDRF friends who told me I “had to” see it) which was part of the NYC Fringe Festival. “Type What Now” was written, produced and performed by Jessie Bear. Incredibly thought provoking and what I hope remains an ongoing discussion regarding perceptions of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. On an even broader scale, the show tackles issues of body image and has appeal far beyond the diabetes community. After laughing and crying throughout the performance, I was thrilled to hear it is a Fringe Fave (apparently the short run has been very popular) and an additional show has been added for this Sunday at noon (8/30). If you are in the NYC vicinity here are the details:
If you do not have the opportunity to see the show but are interested in a review, I think this pretty much nails it (From Theater is Easy). Interesting right?:
Theasy Review of Type What Now
I agree with that review wholeheartedly. Good conversation and challenging one’s own perceptions… LOVE it.