Some diabetes thoughts:
1. Putting a Dexcom sensor in my arm, solo, is definitely doable. Having gravity work to my advantage to release inserter… maybe not so much. I watched the amazing Kim from and she is so smooth (and bravery/awe inspiring). Her Arm Dexcom Insertion video is awesome, but for some reason she has better gravity (the gravity in NYC may be broken, but I have not confirmed this). I get the site inserted (woo hoo) but can’t get the inserter OFF MY DAMN ARM. Mild panic then ensues (and hopping). I consider going downstairs, asking my doorman to pull the inserter off while I squeeze the sensor sides. I then wonder which doorman is on duty. I’m convinced it’ll be the same doorman who told me he was going to faint the time I tripped and came home with a bloody knee. THAT makes me laugh. Yes, I’m sick in the head. Doorman horrified and passed out while I greet my neighbors with that barbaric inserter protruding out of my tricep.
Here’s what I’ve realized…having a bra on the bathroom door knob is key. I use it as a sling shot to release the inserter while I frantically squeeze the sensor. This manuever may make me either McGuyver or a genius, or someone who needs to straighten up.
2. Speaking of straightening up, if you need to do some Spring cleaning (well in my case it’s more like Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring cleaning), donating your gently worn clothing to a charity, will make you feel good. Donating to a store that supports diabetes research will make you feel EVEN better (it’s also extremely motivating). NYers, check-out Cure Thrift Shop. Cool right?
3. Making jokes with fellow DOC friends on Twitter about Dexcom adhesion battles, really will lighten your mood. It also MAY turn a hassle… into an art project!
Just found you through a link on Twitter…LOVING your awesome flowered Dexcom!
Thank you! Today it has hearts!
Tomorrow, when a bunch of Dexcom-wearing-men start awkwardly wandering through the aisles of The Cure Thrift Shop looking for the perfect bra, we’ll know why. Thanks for the laughs…and the tips!
Your colorful ninja star decorations are a nice way of saying that you’re a girl, but deadly.
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