ThrowFORWARD Thursday

“Like success, failure is many things to many people.  With a positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.”

W. Clement Stone (1902-2002): Author, businessman

This quote is a tough one for me, but a great goal (yay positive mental attitude).  Instead of Throwback Thursday, I’m calling today ThrowFORWARD Thursday.  I think back on all the years of absolutely dreading exercise and how now, it is huge stress release and a bit of a confidence booster and a commitment I keep in my life.  A special thanks to my DOC Twitter, exercise pushing peeps too.  We all need cheerleaders.  A little inspiration goes a long way!

Now, time to stop procrastinating and tweak some overnight basal rates.

Believe me, a lot of work went into this.

Believe me, a lot of work went into this.

I have some exciting Alecia’s Stem Cells/JDRF news to report but I am waiting for a teeny bit more info.

Throw forward.  xo


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