Do Good, Feel Good is a phrase I say a lot. I probably tweet it even more often. It’s one of those phrases that just sticks in my head and plays over and over (kind of like The Cranberries’ Zombie or recently Kris Kross’ Jump. I’m sorry if you now have these songs sticking in your brain too). I digress. Oops. Yes, Do Good, Feel Good.
When I researched getting a CGM, specifically my Dexcom 7+, I started reading diabetes blogs in a mildly obsessive way. That was my introduction to Kim from Texting My Pancreas. Her blog led me to other wonderful diabetes blogs. When I decided to bite the bullet (well in this case, let my boyfriend attempt to insert the Dexcom into the back of my arm), we watched her video twice possibly without blinking. When I put the Dexcom in my arm the first time solo (I’ll admit it, I was scared), I watched that video two more times (this is the part where I must mention she has better gravity where she lives). Anyway, Kim was a big help to me and I frequently refer to her in my diabetes mentoring program when questions about CGMs arise.
Kim started an “event” for the month of December called Give All The Things (you really should click that to see what I’m talking about). I was immediately more smitten with her than I already was. I won second place at the very beginning of the month of giveaways. I won a small plush pancreas. Oh you don’t know what a plush pancreas is? Well you can see it here. It made me laugh but it got me thinking about Kim’s pay-it-forward idea, an idea I try to incorporate into my own life. I contacted Kim and told her a little about my jewelry design business and it’s connection to my fundraising walk teams, Alecia’s Stem Cells. I offered to give her a pair of earrings for her giveaway. Although it is not totally diabetes related, the jewelry IS made by a T1D (me) and 10% of the proceeds go to JDRF. Kim wrote the sweetest note back. It put a big goofy grin on my face.
Today Kim is giving away the earrings at Texting My Pancreas. I saw the tweet about it this morning. I immediately smiled. What started as an overwhelming day still is overwhelming, but her post lightened me. Twice I have checked the comments (which is how you enter her contests) and both times I smiled more and “may” have had some extra moisture escape my eyes (must be allergies, I certainly am not crying again, right?).
If you have some time, check out the comments of some of her other Give All The Things posts. It will immediately remind you how fortunate you are to be part of the DOC.
Do Good, Feel Good. Thanks Kim.
You are wonderful. 🙂
Even though I’m a guy, I love your earings almost as much as I love the whole “Do Good, Feel Good” thing.
You rock, Alecia. Thanks for being you.