This is some incredible advice and my theme for the rest of the week.
Thanks to
What a Dopey mistake. Downright Goofy. In my previous post describing my bond with Britney Spears, I forgot one of the more important parts…
Britney was in The Mickey Mouse Club….
AND I was a LAB MOUSE in an Artificial Pancreas trial (and yes, I have pair of sequined Minnie Mouse ears with my name monogrammed on them)!
Again, I will be speaking about my time in the AP Trial, some insights and fun stuff at JDRF Nevada’s TypeOneNation Summit THIS Saturday. Like I said in the previous post (me + Britney), the schedule on Saturday is incredible AND there are MORE TypeOneNation Summits happening throughout the country which you can find right HERE . My buddy Brian and I will also be sharing our experience on March 21st at JDRF Long Island’s TypeOneNation Summit . For my Long Island post I’m considering another comparison post with either Billy Joel, Dee Snider or Lindsay Lohan. This is a tough decision… I may combine all three and toss in Busta Rhymes too.
My bond with Britney Spears:
1. Britney has had her fair share of ups and downs. My blood sugar also has had (and continues to have) its ups & downs.
2. Britney is currently performing on “The Strip”. I happen to find test strips EVERYWHERE.
3. Britney and I were both child brides.
4. We have both rocked bunny ears (my grandmother made mine. Not so sure about hers).
5. I have a Yorkie. Brit Brit also has a Yorkie (I think I look a bit happier with my little guy though).
6. Brit knows Michael Strahan. I explained Continuous Glucose Monitors to Michael Strahan (and we participated in an incredible JDRF’s Fund-A-Cure together…. “Gimme, Gimme More”).
7. Britney was married to a prick. I have to “prick” my finger multiple times a day (please note: I did not come up with this one myself. My friend M did and I laughed myself silly, said I could never use it in this post, and yet here it is, lucky #7).
8. Biker Babes (Britney looks cute, I will be THE sweaty mess of all messes after my 100 mile JDRF ride… Oh My God what have I gotten myself into??? Anything to cure T1D right?).
9. Britney and I both like our bedazzling (I tend to limit mine to arm Dexcom sites… most of the time).
10. Britney Spears wears pumps. I wear a pump too (slightly different version).
11. Britney shaved her hair extensions off her head. I briefly had extensions, they were a nightmare (hurt and would pop off). I get the head shaving Brit, believe me, we all need a break sometimes.
12. This is the most important one. Ready? Britney will be on stage in Las Vegas on February 28th… I will ALSO be in Vegas on February 28th but instead of singing, I will be speaking on a stage (although if need be, I’m willing to sing/maybe rap. I’m not opposed to dancing but really my moves are pretty much weak break dancing). I am THRILLED to be the opening speaker at JDRF Nevada’s Type One Nation Summit In Vegas! I am so honored to be able to share what it’s like to participate in a diabetes clinical trial, my Artificial Pancreas experience and some other insights, but wait until you see all the incredible presentations (and presenters) involved! Check this out! TypeOneNation Nevada Summit agenda
Incredible right? So are you anywhere near Las Vegas? Do you have T1D? Do you love someone with T1D? Do you care about someone with T1D? Are you enemies with someone with T1D (ok that part’s a joke. Cheeky, I know)? Here’s the Registration Info (yep, free).
JDRF Type One Nation Summits are happening throughout the country. If you would like to find one near you, click HERE.
If this post leaves you singing Britney Spears on automatic repeat, please know I’ve had Oops I Did It Again, Toxic and my fave, My Prerogative in my head for 3 weeks now (and have had many a morning shower dance-off to my girl Brit Brit). I know, You Drive Me Crazy, right? Also this post has been a project for my friends for weeks and one funny friend who put all these ridiculous photos together and came with all sorts of connections (Thank you!). Diabetes may suck sometimes, but I appreciate that this blog post brought me (and a few others) a lot of silly laughter.
See ya in Vegas!
This week I’m mildly obsessed with the song “The Heart Wants What It Wants” by Selena Gomez (and don’t even get me started on that “Stars Dance” song. Oh Selena where have you been all my life? Oh wait, you weren’t born yet). To anyone who knows me as a Motley Crue/Cinderella/Arcade Fire/TV on the Radio/Bjork fan, I’m sorry. Yep, bubble burst. So speaking of hearts, I LOVE Valentine’s Day. A holiday created to sell cards? HELL YES! I love cards too! I even love index cards.
Valentine’s Day is a fantastic reason/excuse to pay-it-forward. There’s still time to Spare a Rose, Save a Child.
I don’t think of Valentine’s Day as a “romance” thing. It’s about happiness, smiles, being kind (even when you really don’t want to be), doing someone else a favor, surprises, simply saying “I LOVE you”, and grilled cheese. Why not right? My only real Valentine’s Day disaster was when I decorated a coworker’s desk with hundreds of heart stickers. Those stickers weren’t liars (so damn STICKY. Tragic clean-up). Well you win some, you lose some right?
And if you need a little inspiration (and who doesn’t love a little magic a la scavenger hunt), please join me in finding some hearts. Send’em my way (as you can see, February is looking a little skimpy):
Do Good, Feel Good. LOVE. Oh and get some exercise. Be good to your heart.
I posted this earlier this morning on Facebook and was surprised to hear from 3 friends in a matter of minutes that they didn’t know this program existed. One is a T1D friend I met through JDRF Los Angeles a few years ago and another is the Mom of a recently diagnosed T1D who I was introduced to through a business competitor (yes, the world is small). I take for granted that there are people in the #DOC who do such an incredible job promoting the Spare a Rose, Save a Child campaign that a few tweets from me are enough. The messages I received both publicly and privately to the FB post certainly prove otherwise. So here you go (yep, Do Good, Feel Good) and spread the word
In many parts of the world, a child diagnosed with T1D will die in a matter of days, due to a lack of available insulin. By sending one less rose this Valentine’s Day, you can provide a child with a month’s worth of insulin. For the second year in a row, my Mom will be receiving a Valentine’s card thanking her for being my Mom and notification that in lieu of a dozen roses, she has instead kept a child alive for another year.
Roses die, kids shouldn’t.
From (took this over the weekend. Perfect for this post)