
Alecia’s Stem Cells JDRF ONE WALK team is selling shirts again!  New spin!  These awesome shirts are NOT the shirts our walk team will be wearing this year.  This design comes in a slew of styles and sizes…. mens, womens, kiddos.


Here was the idea…. design a shirt for sale to the public and the proceeds will go to JDRF.  CHECK.

Design a shirt that is a conversation starter…. One arrow none?  Oh what does that mean?

Design a shirt that anyone and everyone would wear.

Design a shirt that embraces both JDRF and Alecia’s Stem Cells…. yep, done.

Use red!  Red is the color of energy, blood, desire and PASSION!  WE have the PASSION to PUSH Type ONE to Type NONE!

Want a shirt?  OnetoNone

Care to help?  Share this link:

And a HUGE thank you to Ink to the People who are so supportive of me, ASC, and fighting T1D!

Happy Labor Day weekend! xo

Go You

“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.”
—R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
Archtiect, Engineer, Inventor


There is quite a roster for the JDRF NYC ONE Expo on 9/16.

ONE event to get Educated, Engaged, and Empowered!

I will be speaking during the Research Update along with Marlon Pragnell,  JDRF’s Senior Scientific Program Manager, who will be discussing the advances in JDRF’s priority T1D therapies, including encapsulation, prevention and a detailed look on the Artificial Pancreas Project and Dr Carol Levy, Director of Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetes in Pregnancy at Mt Sinai Hospital who will be presenting about Artificial Pancreas research being conducted at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC.

I know space is limited for the presentations, so here’s the registration link AND it’s FREE (more info if you follow link than the image below): ONE EXPO




Baby Got Back (For 24 Hours)

In an effort to give my tummy a break and a little healing time, I tried a “flank” pump site Monday morning.  Yep, my back.  I know people wear insulin pump sites there.  Its an approved spot on those pump site diagrams.  I have attempted this before without success.  Animas (Unimedical) blue 6mm cannula and I was ready to go.  It’s a little strange to rotate around to do the insertion BUT it’s a spring loaded site inserter and I suspect that makes it a hell-of-a-mucho more manageable.

*BAM*.  I was good to go and made sure to wear jeans yesterday that were far lower than the site spot.  I was aware that the site hurt.  It didn’t hurt like a tummy site that gets all crazy stabby immediately upon insertion and you just know you have to yank it out and then you’re either prepared for a geyser or your cursing at yourself because you have blood tie-dying your clothing AND you SHOULD have been prepared.  Nope, the flank was not that kind of pain.  Just irritating.

back site 2


Mind over matter?  I was busy all day but it hurt.  A bit stingy.  A bit itchy.  The insulin absorption from the site seemed off, but eventually worked (although slower than usual).  I went out to dinner and sat on a bench type seat (I happened to be on a boat which was lovely) so my back was never pressed against the back of a chair and I avoided that irritation completely.  Getting ready for bed, I kept thinking it felt stingy-itchy, but I needed to stick (pun intended) it out.

I woke up in the wee morning hours when I felt the Dexcom site pull off my thigh.  Seriously? I had IV3000’d the hell out of it right before my Gilligan’s Island dinner tour and the IV tape somehow dislodged from me in bed, got slightly stuck on the sheets and when I rolled to the side, I ripped that Dexcom site right out.  BG was in the 120s, so back to sleep.

Early gym morning.  Replaced Dexcom and slathered the new one with SkinTac.  Good to go.  Pulled on my gym pants and felt something move on my back.  Well those gym pants are tough.  So incredibly tough that they *flicked* the pump site right off me.  Put a new site on my tummy and was off to the gym.  My phantom back site still hurt.  Ouch.

back site re

So what’s the deal?  Am I really the only one who can’t get these flank sites to work?  The pant flicking was unfortunate BUT that site was still hurting and I don’t think I would have made it the full day with that stabby site.  Thank you gym pants.  Well done.  All sarcasm aside (there is no such thing, so some sarcasm aside), does anyone have a flank site recommendation?  I had previously tried the 9mm and thought the 6mm would be the solution.  Nope.  Does this need to be a two man operation and I just need to get further back on my back?  Should I be going to yoga to get better contortionist moves?  Do I just have it in the wrong spot?  Anyone?

Fear? Cowabunga Dude


That sentence (and the letter it was attached to) has been on my list of life fears for years and years and years.  Due to a rather complicated (ok, weird) work situation over the past 12 years, I have joked (read: definitely NOT joked) that I would marry for health insurance.  New York State (and NY City) have some health insurance laws (not to mention premiums) that seem to be “different” than many other states.

This “NOT OFFER” is not taking effect right away.  I have a few months.  I will slam my face repeatedly into a window if I have another conversation with my “advisor” at Fill-in-the-Blank Insurance because:

1. He has a name that is only fitting for a child.

2.  He sounds like he just hopped off his skateboard to take my call.

3.  When he told me about the other plan available to me, he explained that other people with my “old timer” plan switched last time they had open enrollment and they all, “REALLY LIKE THEIR NEW PLAN”.  (God I wish I could say his name but I’m afraid someone who reads this has a kid with a cute bowl cut named —- and will be eternally offended).  Really —-?  EveryONE who switched plans likes their new plan?  That’s amazing!  So, how exactly does this “everyone” measurement work?

“Well, no one in my territories has called to complain.”

Seriously, no one has called you, —-, to complain so therefore EVERYONE likes their new plan?  Holy shit, this is my advisor?  (Note: I took Logic in college to fill a core requirement.  I did not do well.  I am sure I beat —- in that class).

4.  When I ask about durable medical equipment coverage, I actually want an answer about durable medical equipment.  Crazy, I know.

5.  When I’m finally told (by someone else) that the plans we are talking about are subject to change in October, before the enrollment period, and I ask —- about this, here’s what I don’t want to hear, “I think you’ll really like the plan everyone else switched to and there will probably be a plan like-that in October”.

6. That phone call required many quarters.  Many.  I would smack —- across the face with his skateboard if I could.

7.  My favorite part was when I said, “So you’re basically telling me I have options that sound like cheaper premiums but less coverage and more expensive costs in almost every other area, but you can’t confirm any of this because the official insurance plans don’t come out until October?  And now I can feel like I’m going to throw-up every day worrying about this for 2 months?  Well at least I’ll be really skinny and sleep is over-rated anyway right?.”  The response, “You really are funny.”  Ugh

Here’s the thing and hey maybe it’s because I’m just a laugh-a-minute, or because it was a day where other huge fears (job related) also happened to come true (oh the timing!), but I’m just not freaking out.  I am so oddly calm, I’m wondering if someone is drugging my coffee.  HUGE fear….happening… not freaking out.  Who am I???  I almost feel guilty that I’m not freaking out, but when you are juggling, more than you ever thought you could realistically juggle, does one more ball in the air change everything?  I dunno, I don’t actually know how to juggle, I find most clowns annoying (unless they make balloon sculptures… balloons change it up completely), and my athleticism doesn’t always lend itself to eye-hand coordination, so I have no one to ask about my juggling theory.

I’ll deal with it (while I attempt to stockpile the eff out of every supply I can get my hands on).*

*I’ve decided “eff” doesn’t count as cursing.






Monday Mantra and Not Dissolving

“You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!” – Dr Seuss

So if you have a lot on the horizon (and some daunting changes), I offer you the following image and story:


At the end of the day yesterday, I decided to clear my head (only temporarily worked) and ride a Citibike along the East River in Manhattan.  On my return trip, I stopped to take a photo and, to both my surprise and horror, I got doused with East River water!  Holy Shirt! Must have been from a boat wake, but no matter where it came from, I have never wanted to touch nor be touched by the East River.  I shockingly did not run home (pedal) and grab rubbing alcohol, and a shower.  I sat on my bike and laughed (like a crazy person which may have been noted by other people who rode by, wondering if I was just really sweaty on one side of my body).  So far, my skin has not dissolved, I have not developed superpowers and my pancreas has not sprung back to life.  Bummer on 2 out of 3 of those.

It’s really OK to be scared out of your fucking mind sometimes (I wasn’t actually thinking my right side would dissolve from East River water… well not after I survived the first minute… I’m talking about other stuff… you know, the splash is a metaphor and stuff).  In a totally bizarre way, sometimes it’s downright great to scared.

I need to go TRY to climb a mountain now.

Yes, quarter put into jar already.

And my last thoughts for the morning, keep smiling, your enemies will absolutely hate it (and you can always go home and have a good cry later right?).





Cha-Ching MF!

Last week I took the Curse jar to the bank.  The jar itself is stupidly heavy (I did not buy the jar nor write the label) which led me to believe there would be more dinero in there than there actually was…BUT, Office Cuss Jar donated $43.55 to our Alecia’s Stem Cells Walk Team!  F yeah!


And on that note, THIS is my current favorite (and yes I just put a quarter in for posting this…. seemed like the right thing to do).



Lost and not Found

You see this?


Do you know what it is? It’s the clip for an Animas Ping pump. When I came home tonight I changed my clothing and took my pump out of my pocket to clip it to my shirt. Where’s the clip? From start to finish (with a break I’m not counting to eat), I spent 30+ minutes looking for the clip. I don’t have much space (I MAY be a little messy). I definitely had the clip this morning when I was getting dressed.
Based on the photo, you’d think I found the clip right? You would be wrong. Shortly after I passed the 30 minute mark I decided to start looking for the emergency back-up clip. I found that in about 2 minutes.
This is why one of the greatest gifts ever is an extra pump clip. One might also think this is why I should be cleaning-up instead of typing this story. That one is probably correct but should mind their own business.