I’m On a Break

November came and went.  Diabetes Awareness Month and I never wrote one post (although I did check out other people’s awesome posts) and I managed to get my postcards for DAM sent.  I’ve kept up on Twitter, sort of…. well at least better than here.

It wasn’t planned, but it certainly happened… I’m taking a break, and I’m finally admitting it to myself.

I think a lot of people have seen this already, but in case you haven’t, Chris at A Consequence of Hypoglycemia started My Diabetes Secret.  I won’t attempt to rush through an explanation of why I think this is important, how I sometimes find myself reading the posts with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes at unGodly hours when I can’t sleep, or how much I have thought about some of those posts over and over and over again.  Chris explains it far better in this post, than I could.

Like I said, I recommend checking out My Diabetes Secret.  Food for thought.

And in my blogging break:

1.  I hope to keep finding hearts when I need them.



2.  I will try my best to wear blue on Fridays (I can’t say the same for my dog).



3. I will be very careful if I ever get to play hockey with Big Bird.




Wisdom, Naps and a Blue Skirt

Okay, I like this and should remind myself to read it more often.  Maybe even send myself this post occasionally?  This Swami was full of great wisdom nuggets (Google him).

“Self-acceptance comes from meeting life’s challenges vigorously.  Don’t numb yourself to your trials and difficulties, nor build mental walls to exclude pain from your life.  You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously.  You will peace not in denial, but in victory.”

Swami Sivananda (1887-1963): spiritual leader, author, physician

An now for a little Friday levity.

This is what my dog looked like when he woke-up from his nap last night:


blue skirt


And in honor of Blue Friday, I’m sporting a very blue skirt today.  Are YOU wearing BLUE#blueFridays  
