Yesterday. Day off from gym. No overnight basal reduction needed (or so I thought). Exciting dinner of avocado and PopCorners (OMG they are so good). Glass of wine. Went to bed. Fought Dexcom beeping lows from 12:30am onward. Slept in normal spot… inside of bed (against wall). On outside of bed: Ipad, cellphone, Dexcom, dog, dog’s BFF toy Froggie, entire jar of Glucolift tablets. Ate periodic tabs. Hugged dog. Dog annoyed. BG would come back up, but still too low.
Dragged this morning. Shower. Coffee. Subway. Therapy. Latte. Dexcom beeping. Too high. Correction + bolus. Bought flowers for office. Subway. Office. Shared piece of toast with office mate. Bolus. More coffee. Bg too high. mini Correction. Work. Make jokes. Realize no one likes rap Friday. More working. BG still to high. Must be patient. Busy. Go to check Dexcom. Straight arrow down. Candy. Keep working. More beeping. Double arrow down. Use last (very old) Quick Stick. Wait. Sad that Quick Stick is gone. Put quarters in JDRF jar for all the F-bombs I dropped. $1.50 total.
And then ***PRESTO*** …..
Dexcom Batman!
Not the ideal BUT there’s gotta be some entertainment value in this right?